Color can effect emotions in different ways depending on the color involved. Red is an intense color and can represent fire, anger, danger or violence. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and is serene and cool. Yellow is a bright color like sunshine and can convey happiness, brightness hope. The reasons for this are likely caused by the every day things these colors remind us of. Would we have the same response to blue if fire was blue? Would red have the same emotional effect if it was the color of the sky and the sea?
The most interesting technical aspect of color that I found while exploring the Elements of Art web site is contrast. The tool that shows you how a change in the color of the overlapping black and white strips over the gray background makes that background appear to change color is fascinating. The optical allusion is very convincing.
After watching the "Color" video I felt the biggest impact it had on me were the examples of Van Gogh and Rothco that showed how using strange color clashes and intense shades of red could convey a negative feeling.
The "Feelings: Emotions and Art" video was a little underwhelming. I thought it was overly dramatic. The main difference between the two artists use of colors, is that David uses some bright and intense colors like red in some of his works, while Goya's work is darker and more foreboding. I didn't like any of the works so the color schemes had little emotional effect on me.
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